Motorized Rescue Avalanche Course



9:00am - 5:00pm


Full Day


This is a one day course for snowmobilers/snowbikers looking to refine their companion rescue skills and continue their education into more advanced rescue techniques. It will review all the parts of companion rescue and how to use the marking function and micro strip searches for multiple burials. Students will receive a certification of completion for an Avalanche Rescue course as outlined by the American Avalanche Association. Because avalanche avoidance skills should be prioritized over avalanche rescue skills, it is strongly recommended - but not required - that only graduates of a Level 1 register for this class (the Level 1 can be motorized or non-motorized). If riding ability prevents participation in a Level 1, the Rescue class may be a good starting point until riding ability improves.


JANUARY 5, 2025

**Please email to inquire about private avalanche courses or for any avalanche/education-related questions. Min 4 people. Max 12. Pricing is the same as public courses.


  • Have the ability to ride off-trail in variable conditions. Riding ability is less important on Rescue classes than on Level 1 and Level 2 classes, but participants still need to be able to ride off-trail in variable conditions.

  • Bring a functioning beacon, shovel, and probe. Beacons should be modern three-antennae, shovels should be made specifically for avalanche rescue, and probes should be 270 cm or longer. Avalanche gear must be worn/carried on self, and not in a tunnel bag. An extra shovel in the tunnel bag is recommended.

  • Wear a DOT approved helmet and weather-appropriate gear.

  • Bring food and water for a day of riding.

  • Ride a reliable, well maintained snowmobile/snowbike, capable of off-trail travel. Machines must be registered with visible registration markings. Spare belts and repair kits are strongly recommended. Poorly maintained machines and/or machines not intended for off-trail travel may jeopardize the experience of others.



*Guest to Guide ratio is 6:1 | Min. 4 | Max. 12

**Sales Tax and Forest Service fees not included

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Sun Valley Guides does not provide personal safety gear for avalanche course participants, so please come prepared with the necessary and reliable equipment. This includes a 3-antenna avalanche transceiver, a metal avalanche shovel, and an avalanche probe with a click-lock mechanism.

    For more details on required gear, please refer to our equipment list.

  • Yes. Sun Valley Guides is committed to providing safe and enjoyable adventures in the backcountry. All guests must read and sign a Release of Liability and Waiver of Claims Agreement prior to embarking on any guided trip. Be sure to read and sign the waiver prior to joining us in the mountains.  You can find your waiver in your reservation confirmation.  If you did not make the reservation, please ask whoever did to invite you to sign through their reservation confirmation email they received or email us at 

  • A 50% non-refundable deposit is made to secure a spot on an avalanche course. Cancellations made with more than 2 weeks notice will receive a refund for the cost of the course, less the deposit fee. Cancellations made within 2 weeks of class start date are 100% non-refundable, but if a replacement for your spot can be found, we will transfer your deposit as credit for another course later in the same winter season with a $50 booking fee.

    Please keep in mind that these policies vary by service. See our full cancellation policy for details.